Various Voices Worship 2018 in Munich powered by Ökumenischer CSD-Gottesdienst München

"Sing to the Holy One a new song" (Psalm 98,1)

Gottesdienst zum Chor Festival "Various Voices 2018" in München
Worship for the choir festival "Various Voices 2018" in Munich


Invitation to the ecumenical Various Voices Worship 2018
in St. Johannes at Preysingplatz close to Gasteig
on Saturday, May 12th at 9:15 a.m.

The beginning changed to 9.15 a.m. due to the early beginning of Carmina Burana final rehearsal at Odeonsplatz at 10.00 a.m. which we will reach together in time.

The Worship is conducted by the ecumenical Gay Pride worship team (CSD-Gottesdienste).

The service is musically supported by the Munich English Choir.

Various Voices 2018 in Munich